The Radical Notion of Not Having an Opinion

Just (Don’t?) Do It Don’t have an opinion. Seriously, don’t do it. I don’t mean refrain from sharing your opinion in a social setting for fear of backlash. And I also don’t mean that you shouldn’t talk about your feelings on an issue if its not relevant to a discussion at hand. I mean literally, […]

Why I Write: An Introduction to My Blog

Why do we write? There are many ways for one to answer this question: why do we write? There are some who have creative imaginations. They dream of being the next J.K. Rowling or Stephen King – of putting their thoughts to paper and showing the world what they’ve crafted. There are others who write […]

A New American Holiday

Holidays in America Another holiday season gone by. Children are returning to school, and parents are returning to work. Soon enough, all the Christmas trees and lights will have come down, and the cheer which permeated the air for the past month will dissipate. As most Americans already know, Christmas and New Year’s Eve are […]

The Core of the Affordable Care Act

After Nine Years It may not seem like that long ago, but it has been nearly nine years since the initial passage of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare). However, there are many misconceptions which some Americans still have about the design and effects of said healthcare law. With the registration period on the ACA’s […]

Three Months in Paris

It All Went Too Quickly It is a cliché thing to say, but clichés exist for a reason: it all went too quickly. As I sit on the Thalys train to Essen, looking out the window at a typical rainy day in north France, it is impossible not to reflect on the time I have […]

The Defeat of Trumpism in the South Carolina Lowcountry

What’s In The News Turn on any television station, or go to any news site, and the biggest political stories will understandably revolve around the taking of the House of Representatives by the Democratic Party. Indeed, news outlets are pondering many important questions such as who the next Speaker of the House will be, what […]